With its breathtaking landscapes, sandy beaches, unexplored nature and warm locals, Central America is a great place for a unique getaway. From ancient Mayan ruins to stunning beaches, lush rainforests to bustling cities, Central America has something for everyone.

Why Visit Central America


Central America is home to some of the world’s most impressive ancient ruins, including the Mayan ruins of Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. These ancient cities offer a glimpse into a fascinating culture that thrived centuries ago.


Central America is home to a diverse array of ecosystems, from dense rainforests to pristine beaches, and vibrant coral reefs. The region’s stunning natural beauty is a major draw for visitors, with opportunities for hiking, surfing, birdwatching, and wildlife spotting.


Being just a little bit over the Equator line, Central America enjoys a warm and tropical weather all year long. Ideal to do all kind of outdoor activities.


Central America is a relatively affordable travel destination, offering a wide range of options for budget-conscious travelers. From inexpensive hostels to mid-range hotels and luxury resorts, there are options to suit every budget.

Central america postcards

With its breathtaking landscapes, sandy beaches, unexplored nature and warm locals, Central America is a great place for a unique getaway. From ancient Mayan ruins to stunning beaches, lush rainforests to bustling cities, Central America has something for everyone.

Central america postcards

Why Visit Central America


Central America is home to some of the world’s most impressive ancient ruins, including the Mayan ruins of Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. These ancient cities offer a glimpse into a fascinating culture that thrived centuries ago.


Central America is home to a diverse array of ecosystems, from dense rainforests to pristine beaches, and vibrant coral reefs. The region’s stunning natural beauty is a major draw for visitors, with opportunities for hiking, surfing, birdwatching, and wildlife spotting.


Being just a little bit over the Equator line, Central America enjoys a warm and tropical weather all year long. Ideal to do all kind of outdoor activities.


Central America is a relatively affordable travel destination, offering a wide range of options for budget-conscious travelers. From inexpensive hostels to mid-range hotels and luxury resorts, there are options to suit every budget.

Bucket List

How to get around

Central America is a region that spans across several countries, and as such, transportation options vary from one country to another. However, here are some general ways to get around Central America:

  1. Buses: Bus travel is the most common mode of transportation in Central America. Buses are relatively cheap and connect major cities and towns. Some countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras have public buses that operate on fixed routes, while in other countries, such as Costa Rica and Panama, private buses and shuttles are the norm.
  2. Taxis: Taxis are widely available in most Central American cities and towns, and they are a convenient way to get around, especially for short distances. However, it’s important to negotiate the fare before getting into the taxi and to use licensed taxis to ensure safety.
  3. Rental cars: Renting a car is a popular way to explore Central America, especially if you plan to visit remote areas or explore the countryside. Car rental agencies are available in major cities, but it’s important to have a valid driver’s license and to purchase insurance before hitting the road.
  4. Domestic flights: Some countries, such as Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua, have domestic airlines that connect major cities and tourist destinations. Domestic flights are a great way to save time and are especially convenient if you’re traveling long distances. However, they can be expensive compared to other modes of transportation.
  5. Boats: In some parts of Central America, such as Belize and Panama, boats are a popular way to get around, especially for traveling to remote islands or coastal destinations. Boat tours are also available for sightseeing and adventure activities.

Money Saving Tips

  • Travel during the low season: Avoid traveling during the peak tourist season (usually December through April) when prices for accommodations, transportation, and activities tend to be much higher. Traveling during the low season (May through November) can often save you a lot of money.
  • Eat at local restaurants and food stalls: Eating at local restaurants and food stalls rather than touristy restaurants can save you a significant amount of money. The food is usually just as delicious and authentic, and you’ll get to experience the local culture as well.
  • Use public transportation: Opt for local buses or shared taxis instead of private transfers or renting a car. It’s often much cheaper, and you’ll get a chance to interact with the locals and see more of the country.
  • Negotiate prices: Bargaining is common practice in many parts of Central America, especially in local markets and when purchasing souvenirs. Don’t be afraid to negotiate prices to get a better deal.

Remember to always research prices before making any purchases or booking accommodations, and be aware of scams that may try to take advantage of tourists. By following these tips, you can stretch your budget and make the most of your Central American adventure.

What to expect in Central America

LANGUAGE: Central America is home to a diverse array of languages. Spanish is the most commonly spoken language throughout the region, with English being the second most spoken language. In Belize, the official language is English, while in Guatemala, there are 23 different Mayan languages spoken.

CURRENCY: Every country in Central America has a different currency, but thanks to the tourism demand in these countries foreign currencies like dollar, euros and credit cards are widely accepted. 

SAFETY: Safety can be a concern in some areas of Central America, particularly in regards to crime. Visitors should take precautions such as avoiding walking alone at night and keeping valuables out of sight. It is also important to research the safety situation in specific areas before traveling. However, many parts of Central America are safe for tourists, particularly  

CLIMATE: Central America has a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from around 70°F to 90°F (21°C to 32°C) throughout the year.

PASSPORT: Remember that many countries require that your passport be valid for at least six months (some just three months) after your arrival date before they’ll grant entry to their country. Some of them also require a VISA to enter the country depending on your nationality. Plan in advance and make sure you have everything in order. 


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