Roman Ruins of Jerash

Nestled amidst the rugged landscapes of Jordan lies Jerash, a captivating archaeological treasure trove brimming with history and architectural splendor. Renowned as one of the best-preserved Greco-Roman cities in the Middle East, Jerash showcases a mesmerizing fusion of ancient civilizations, bearing testament to its illustrious past as a thriving hub of commerce and culture. From its grand colonnaded streets to its towering temples and majestic theaters, Jerash offers visitors a journey back in time, where echoes of bygone eras resonate through its meticulously preserved ruins, inviting exploration and awe.

Its occupation dates back more than 6,500 years and is only about 45km north of Amman.

Entrance Fee

The entrance fee for the Jerash Ruins is 10 Jordanian Dinars (JD) for adults and 5 JD for children under 12. This fee covers access to all the ruins and attractions in the area, including the archaeological sites, museums, and gardens. In addition to this entrance fee, there are additional fees for certain activities, such as horseback riding or camel rides.

The opening hours for the Jerash Ruins vary depending on the season, but generally, it opens from 8 am to 6 pm every day except Fridays and Sundays. During peak season (May-October), it opens from 8 am to 7 pm every day except Fridays and Sundays. On Fridays, it remains closed as a mark of respect for the Muslim holy day. On Sundays, it opens from 8 am to 2 pm only.

Jerash Jordan


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